A word from RGA Hay Branch President

RGA Hay Branch President Diane Morona

We’ve just had our first year of AGM’s via teams. That was an experience and a half. The RGA staff did a great job of bringing us together under these difficult times.  We may call our meetings a success but there is something really nice about getting together, having a meeting and then a social chat.  I miss that, as I’m sure you all do as well. 

Our lives have changed. But other things haven’t.  Such as, vesting.  We are coming around again to the time when submissions need to be made.  When the terms of reference are made known, RGA will assist you in completing a submission.  I urge you to be involved.  Many voices will ensure our message gets through.

RGA branch were pleased to have Su McCluskey at our meeting.  She is the newest members of the RMB and we look forward to working with her in the future.

As I write this I am checking the weather forecast, as all farmers seem to do.  It’s looking good to continue the wonderful start to this season.  

Farmers have always been eternal optimists and we need, all of us, to continue to be positive, stick together and find solutions. In these trying times keep safe and look out for one another.

Diane Morona,

President Hay RGA Branch