How Sustainable is your farm?

Running a sustainable farm makes sense, but how do you prove you are?

How do you measure sustainability?

Sustainability credentials frameworks could be the answer.

Murray Local Land Services has partnered with SunRice, the Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia and Riverina Local Land Services on a project to develop a rice industry sustainability framework, aimed at highlighting growers’ quality product and environmental stewardship.

The project aims to break the information down into a simple process that will help you to implement a framework into your business, based on the premise that it is about recording, and then building upon, many of your existing practices.
With consumers now becoming more discerning with their choices, seeking brands that promote good environmental practices, it is about proving to the market that you are caring for your land.
In fact, incorporating sustainability credentials into your farm will show that you are ethical, environmentally and socially responsible.

The benefits are many, including: 

  • increased productivity and environmental health
  • improved worker safety, business integrity and consumer confidence
  • greater bargaining power when selling produce
  • access to premium markets and improved investor interest
  • pride in the knowledge you are doing the right thing and meeting best management practices.

For many of you who are already busy, the greatest barrier might be the extra paperwork that this involves. But, as mentioned above, you are probably already doing many of the things required – keeping cropping and spraying records, for example – and are already well on the way.

Want to know more?
The Murray Local Land Services website has more information, and you can also watch the two short animated videos below that explain the system.

This project is supported by Murray Local Land Services, through funding from the Australian Governments National Landcare Program.