Rice Marketing Board Update 

Review of rice vesting to start soon
In the last newsletter, we advised that a review of Rice Vesting by the NSW Department of Primary Industries was due to commence in the second half of this year. Vesting is the arrangement in which NSW rice may only be marketed by buyers authorised by the RMB.  Under current arrangements, there is no limit to the number of buyers that can be licensed by the RMB to buy NSW grown rice and sell it on the domestic market, but there is only one buyer licensed to export NSW rice – SunRice. 

The Review will focus on whether the benefits of vesting outweigh the costs to the whole community, and that any benefits can only be achieved through restricting competition. As in the past, growers will be asked to provide submissions that address specific Terms of Reference.  An Information Sheet and the Terms of Reference will be posted on the DPI website and the “Have your say NSW” website once they are finalised. The Department will also be conducting online information sessions and the dates, times and web links will be provided to growers through the RMB and the RGA.

The vesting review is an opportunity for growers to indicate whether they support a continuation of vesting or want changes to the marketing arrangements for rice grown in NSW.  It is important that all rice growers take the opportunity to make a submission to the Review (and further advice will be provided about the form submissions may take) because the Government cannot be informed by a silent majority.  

Please look out for the Terms of Reference in the second half of this year and take the opportunity to have your say on whether, or not, vesting should be continued.  

For more information, please contact the RMB Secretary, Carol Chiswell, on 02 6953 3200.