Social Media Campaign

Dear RGA Members,


We need the support of the nation,


In the 10 days since we started our social media campaign on the 31st March, our stories about why 'Australia is the best country in the world to grow rice" has gone out to 67,484 people on Facebook.


Of these, over 14,000 have engaged by sharing the page with others, commenting or clicking the links and reactions. 


The number of times our Tweets have been delivered to a Twitter account is almost 74,000, we have over 1,700 followers and over 766 who visited our RGA profile page wanting to know more about us. 


On the 9th day we launched our Instagram account, to reach another demographic within our population.


Thank you to all of those who have participated and helped us share the facts.


The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. We've had calls and messages ranging from proud, retired ricegrowers, to ill informed public members who are initially accusatory then astonished with the facts. The strength of this campaign has been these undeniable facts and your cooperation in sharing them to your networks, who shared them with theirs.


Over the coming days we will be continuing with these posts and starting to share our policies that support the viability and sustainability of the rice industry and our regional communities.


We need the support of the nation,

- and hope that you will continue your good work in supporting this campaign.

Link to the Social Media Campaign page  Scroll down for the facts.